Weekly Recap - 09.10.2023

🧠Quote(s) of the week:

“Buying Bitcoin during Cyprus bank bail-ins was smart.
Buying Bitcoin during the Mt.mart.
Buying Bitcoin during the Gox collapse was smart.
Buying Bitcoin during March 2020 during peak “pandemic” panic was s FTX collapse was smart.
Buying Bitcoin during the SVB collapse was smart.
Buying Bitcoin during “a recession is looming” is smart. Bitcoin is the most resilient money ever created.
Act accordingly.” –

“Next year Bitcoin is going to have the *exact* same monetary policy as it does right now. You don’t have the *slightest* guarantee or even know what the monetary policy of $USD $JPY $CNY $GBP $CAD $EUR will be *Next Week.* Even worse, you don’t even know why TF they keep drastically changing it. You just have to blindly swallow whatever reason they say, accepting the hilarious notion that they would never lie to us. Bitcoin is my money. We are not the same.” – Guy Swan

🧡Bitcoin news:
➡️ The more things change, the more they stay the same. 14yrs ago Satoshi Nakamoto changed the world, but some things never change. Bitcoin is the way to escape the doom loop. My hope is that Bitcoin will prevent further violations once it has become the standard.


Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks - israel & gaza

➡️New record Bitcoin hashrate! 420,000,000,000,000,000,000x per second.

➡️ca. 1,500,000 Bitcoin remaining to be mined.

➡️Release of white paper on BitVM – a computing paradigm for smart contracts on Bitcoin. These more expressive smart contracts enable functionality that was previously believed to require a soft fork.  Is this an altcoin killer?
“Any computable function can be verified on Bitcoin”
Full paper: https://bitvm.org/bitvm.pdf

Personally, I love seeing more developments like these. Hopefully it ends up in something tangible, but for now 20% of the paper is fugazi to me.
TLDR: Basically, write and execute Bitcoin contracts with much lower costs. This is pretty cool!

➡️SEC has been sending feedback and holding private meetings with applicants regarding their spot Bitcoin ETF filings – Bloomberg The SEC is finally engaging. A big change from the contemptuous silence, delays, and eventual rejection.

Bloomberg Intelligence calls for a US recession by year-end with Bitcoin price risks “tilted toward $10,000”
If this happens, great I will buy the shit out of that dip.

more on the Bitcoin ETF topic:

➡️ex-BlackRock director says SEC will approve ALL spot bitcoin ETFs within 3-6 months!

➡️ Investment bank Jefferies calls Bitcoin a “critical hedge” against the potential for monetary policy that reduces the value of currency, as well as the return of inflation

➡️Jack Dorsey’s Block has released their new Bitcoin wallet. Bitkey Beta is an open-source mobile app & hardware wallet.

➡️Bitcoin cross-border payments are more “substantial” than public data shows – Reuters Bank of International Settlements has developed a prototype Bitcoin monitoring system.

➡️Despite an 11.1% decline in Q3,  Bitcoin is still the top-performing asset of the year, with a +63.3% YTD.

➡️The biggest podcaster in the world Joe Rogan says Bitcoin has the best chance of “becoming a universal currency”

➡️”Bitcoin miners continue to provide ‘mission critical’ services to grid operators in the middle of extreme weather events. Miners are so good at in fact that grid operators pay millions to miners to provide this important service.
Electricity prices have gone parabolic in Texas due to sunset. Bitcoin miners are curtailing to offset the loss of solar generation.” ERCOT paid a Bitcoin miner over $13 million to curtail electric use in the summer heatwave.

➡️Even JPMorgan understands that proof of stake is an inherently centralizing consensus mechanism.
“The rise in ether (ETH) staking since the Merge and Shanghai upgrades has come at a cost to Ethereum as the network has become more centralized and the overall staking yield has fallen, JPMorgan (JPM) said in a research report on Thursday last week.”

It’s just the fiat system rebuilt on blockchain rails.  Proof of stake is the legacy system. Proof of work is the innovation. Bitcoin only.

➡️ An Argentinian barber has been jotting the price of every haircut for over 20 years, providing a unique glimpse into the country’s decades of inflation.  In 1991, a haircut cost 15 pesos. Today, it costs 3000 pesos, an increase of 19,000%. Bitcoin fixes this.

Traditional Finance & Macro/Geopolitics:

👉🏽Metro Bank suspended trading after a 29%+ plunge on Thursday, due to an attempt to raise £600M ($727M) in debt and equity, per CNBC. 


👉🏽Kevin McCarthy has been removed as US Speaker of the House. This makes him the shortest-serving Speaker of the House since 1876. He is also the first ever Speaker of the House to be removed.

Healthy economy:
Net worth top 0.1%: $18.6 trillion
Net worth bottom 50%: $3.6 trillion
Household count in the top 0.1%: 132,262
Household count in the bottom 50%: 66,050,020

A healthy economy, right? Look how skewed that number is toward the top .1%.
So yeah healthy economy for the top 0.1%

Dianne Feinstein had +$100m in assets when she died.
– $60 million private jet
– $21 million mansion in San Francisco
– $7.4 million house in Washington
– $5 million house in Hawaii
– $70 million in CASH
She made $200k a year in salary.

Who was Feinstein? Dianne Goldman Berman Feinstein was an American politician who served as a United States senator from California from 1992 until her death in 2023. Remember she made $200k a year in salary. See the system works? Healthy economy!

👉🏽US National Debt jumps $275 BILLION in a single day. It has increased by 448B in the last two weeks alone.
A SINGLE DAY, that’s more than half of Bitcoin’s entire market cap in debt. That’s something like 10 million
BTC. And yet there are still people who are unsure if $27k is a good price to buy.
Total US debt is now $33.513 trillion, hit $33 trillion just 3 weeks ago. That’s $28.5 billion in new debt per day, and on pace to add another trillion in 1.5 months.

“US national debt has been growing faster than GDP for nearly 10 years. However, US national debt is now growing faster than GDP by its largest margin in history. As of 2 weeks ago, the national debt crossed $33 trillion, nearly 124 times as big as it was 70 years ago.”- The Kobeissi Letter

👉🏽Treasury 30-year yield rises to 4.856%. Highest since 2007.
The long bond yield is now up 55 bps in 13 trading days. “Something is breaking in financial markets. 10y yields have jumped by 150bps in the US and 80bps in Germany. The yield curve has bear-steepened to a more normal level. Getting used to a more typical rate structure doesn’t sound like such a terrible thing. But after 15 years of living in an unnaturally low rate regime, normal sounds, well, abnormal.” – Holger Zschaepitz

As yields continue spiking, losses on US Treasuries have reached $1.619 trillion.

Sven Henrich: Perfect doom loop: Yields keep rising because they need to issue so much debt above plan. And they need to issue so much debt because higher yields have resulted in escalating higher interest payments on debt. So they need to issue even more debt which causes yields to rise even higher causing ever larger interest payments resulting in ever more debt needed to be issued which causes even higher yields and so on. Eventually, rising yields would lead to a complete bust. They’re trapped and need lower yields to get out of the doom loop. All roads lead to intervention.”

👉🏽”Job openings in August just unexpectedly jumped from 8.92 million to 9.61 million. This jump of 690,000 job openings is the biggest since July 2021. Not to mention, July 2023 job openings were revised HIGHER from 8.81 to 8.92 million. The beat on expectations of job openings is the biggest beat since September 2022. This is the last thing the Fed wanted to see. Higher for longer is alive and well.” – The Kobeissi Letter

👉🏽’Credit card debt exploded by $14.68 billion last month. This happens at the end of every cycle—when personal savings are drained, and people take out new credit cards they don’t intend to pay back. A classic blow-off top in consumer credit is underway, you know what happens next” Joe Consorti

So what happens next? Recession

👉🏽Last week I mentioned that “the Canadian government, armed with one of the world’s most repressive online censorship schemes, announced that all “online streaming services that offer podcasts” must formally register with the government to permit regulatory controls. Basically, Trudeau is trying to crush free speech in Canada. May I remind you that Canada is a G7 nation.”

New laws in Canada are affecting what news outlets and news stories are allowed to be consumed. For example, Bloomberg is considered controversial and the Canadiens are unable to view it. WTF!

👉🏽Turkey’s inflation tops 60% despite massive interest rate hikes as oil surge worsens outlook. Turkey’s inflation is the result of previous broad money expansion. And yet the people are still voting for Erdogan.

👉🏽In Germany, the construction sector is really crashing. The German PMI Construction Index fell to 39.3 in Sep from 41.5 in Aug, the lowest level since statistics began.

👉🏽”As geopolitical tensions now spread across the Middle East, oil prices are likely to spike even further. Meanwhile, the US Strategic Petroleum Reserves (SPR) have 17 days of supply remaining, their lowest in history. This is roughly half the historical average of ~33 days dating back to 1990. Furthermore, this week OPEC reaffirmed their commitment to over 1.5 million barrels per day of voluntary production cuts. All while Russian exports of crude oil are being limited and the world’s largest oil producers are at war. There has never been a worse time to have a depleted SPR.”- The Kobeissi Letter

So what is the SPR? The U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) is the world’s largest emergency oil stockpile. Established in 1975 after the oil embargo.

👉🏽 Meanwhile here in Europe, Lagarde is in Lalaland. ECB President Lagarde says she is positive about the ECB meeting the 2% inflation target and Europe’s gas reserves, per Reuters.

👉🏽 “Average interest rate on a 30-year mortgage rises to 7.93%, its highest since July 2000. Since January 2021, less than 3 years ago, interest rates have gone from 2.65% to 7.93%. This means that homebuyers just 3 years ago would see their interest rate TRIPLE if they decided to move. This is exactly why existing home sales are at their lowest since 2010. The average new home is about to cost LESS than the average existing home for the first time since 2005. You know something is wrong when old costs more than new.” – TKL

The median monthly home payment in the US rises to an all-time high of $2,839/month. According to Reventure Consulting, the median home payment has now gone from $1,035/month to $2,839/month in just 10 years. Sjeezzz! :S

I end this Weekly Recap with the following tweet by Pierre Rochard:

“The $33 trillion national debt and $2 trillion annual deficits are odiously immoral and economically unsound. They represent a multi-generational and bipartisan failure of leadership. But they’re also inevitable with a fiat system. Only Bitcoin fixes this, not politics.”

“The remarkable thing about Bitcoin is that despite the internal disagreements, it continues to work flawlessly. That, in essence, is the crux of it. I am 99.9% confident that within my lifetime, Bitcoin will be recognized as one of the most significant discoveries in human history. Bitcoin maximalists have been consistently right in their predictions.”

Credit: I have used multiple sources!

My savings account: Bitcoin

The tool I recommend for setting up a Bitcoin savings plan: The Relai app is especially suited for beginners or people that want to invest in Bitcoin with an automated investment plan once a week or monthly. Hence a DCA, Dollar cost Average Strategy.

For new users, the app can be downloaded from all Play Stores. The iOS version is only available in Swiss, Austrian, German, and Italian App Stores. If you set up a Bitcoin Savings Plan (weekly/monthly) you can use my code CRYPTOFRIDAY and your fees will be reduced by 0.5%!

Check out my tutorial post (Instagram) & video (Youtube) for more info. ⠀

Get your Bitcoin out of exchanges. Save them on a hardware wallet, run your own node…be your own bank. Not your keys, not your coins. It’s that simple. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

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Disclaimer: This article should not be taken as, and is not intended to provide any investment advice. It is for educational and entertainment purposes only. As of the time of posting, the writer(s) may or may not have holdings in some of the coins or tokens they cover. Please conduct your own thorough research before investing in any cryptocurrency, as all investments contain risk. All opinions expressed in these articles are my own and are in no way a reflection of the views of the used sources.

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