About Me

About me

My name is Felipe, and as a Bitcoin Educator, my mission is to change the world through Bitcoin education.

Now why the name Crypto Friday?

My Bitcoin journey started in 2012/2013, and back then, Bitcoin was Bitcoin, and Bitcoin was Crypto. It is the OG cryptocurrency. It is not CrYpTo as we know it today, also referred to as altcoins/shitcoins. 

Although the word ‘Crypto’ has become such an incredibly toxic and gross term, Bitcoin is the first and only sufficiently decentralized cryptocurrency in existence!

Bitcoin is fundamentally a cryptocurrency (the first one and only one worth a damn).

Even Satoshi mentioned this: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=238.msg2004#msg2004

So why the ‘Friday’ part? When I started my Instagram and YouTube account only on Friday, I had time to create & publish my content.

Ergo: Crypto Friday

The rest is history!



Crypto Friday
