
My plan is to dedicate as much time as I can to contribute to the Bitcoin ecosystem. Crypto Friday is Value4Value.

“Value4Value is more than a monetization scheme; It is about freedom and openness, connection and free speech, sound money and censorship resistance.

You can summarize it as follows:

  • No expectations
  • No entitlement
  • No bullshit

It is a trust in Bitcoin, the universe, and its people, trust that if you produce something of value, people will find it valuable and give back.”

If you enjoy reading my articles, reviews/tutorials & videos, you can support me here with a completely voluntary Bitcoin donation. Scan the QR code below with your Lightning wallet and experience the power of Bitcoin!

For now, I only accept lightning donations.

Having trouble, need assistance, or have suggestions? Send an email to Happy to help!

Thank you very much! 🧡

Note: This only works with LNURL-compatible Bitcoin wallets.

